The Ordinances - Part 4 The Union of Students Name and Objects
  1. As part of the University there shall be a Union of Students to be known as the University of Southampton Students' Union (hereinafter called the Union). The objectives of the Union shall be:
    1. to afford a recognised channel of communication between students and the rest of the University;
    2. to promote the general interests of students;
    3. to provide and further welfare social cultural recreational and athletic facilities for students of the University;
    4. to foster amicable relations within the University, with other bodies and the general public.

    In pursuing its objectives the Union shall act in complete independence of all religious and political groups and propaganda and in such a manner as not to discriminate unreasonably between members of the Union.


  1. The members of the Union shall be the following, except those who have notified the University in accordance with the prescribed procedure that they wish to opt out of membership:
    1. all registered full-time students of the University;
    2. such registered part-time students of the University as the Union in accordance with its Laws may admit to full membership;
    3. all other registered part-time students of the University wishing to become associate members on payment of the appropriate membership fee;
    4. all members of staff of the University wishing to become associate members on payment of the appropriate membership fee;
    5. such persons as the Union in accordance with its Laws may admit to either life or temporary membership on payment of the appropriate life or temporary membership fee;
    6. such persons as the Union in accordance with its Laws may elect as honorary members;
    7. such persons who are already members of Students' Unions in other institutions of higher or further education as the Union in accordance with its Laws may elect as external members.


    1. There shall be no Union subscription payable by full-time registered students of the University but the University shall make available to the Union an annual grant of an amount to be determined by the Council for the support of the Union in relation to the Union's objectives.
    2. In the case of associate, life or temporary members the Union may decide from time to time the appropriate membership fee(s) which shall be subject to the approval of Council and which only then may be levied by the Union.

Approval of expenditure

  1. The Union shall have control over expenditure from the funds made available to it by the Council and from other funds which it may receive but all such expenditure must be in accord with the objectives of the Union as defined in paragraph 1 above and with the Laws of the Union; in the event of conflict between the provisions of this Ordinance and the Laws of the Union the Ordinance shall prevail.


  1. The Accounts of the Union shall, at the end of each University financial year, be audited by the University Auditors, and a copy of the Accounts signed by the Auditors shall be given to the Vice-Chancellor for presentation to the appropriate University Committee. The Vice-Chancellor may from time to time require other financial information to be provided by the Union. The Secretary and Registrar, or Officer delegated by him or her, shall be responsible for reporting to the Council any matter relating to the financial affairs of the Union which should be brought to the attention of the Council.


  1. Subject to the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University the Union shall have power to make Laws regulating all matters relating to the Union. The Laws together with any amendment or abrogation thereof shall be of effect and binding on all members of the Union immediately following their adoption by Union Council or a General Meeting of the Union but shall be submitted for approval to the next ordinary meeting of Council and shall remain effective and binding only if then approved by the Council. The Laws of the Union shall be subject to review by the Council at intervals of not more than five years.


  1. Subject to the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University and to any requirements of the Council the Union shall be responsible for the day-to-day management of the premises made available for its use by the University.