Consultancy Services

Cryogenics Advisory Unit
The Institute of Cryogenics incorporates the Cryogenics Advisory Unit which provides a service to industry in all areas of cryogenics. These include the bulk storage and handling of cryogenic fluids, thermal insulation and heat transfer, refrigeration and liquefaction, and the development of new materials.

Institute of Sound and Vibration Research: ISVR Consultancy Services
This organisation was set up in 1988 by merging the Wolfson Unit for Noise and Vibration Control and the Auditory Communication and Hearing Conservation Unit. It provides a service to industry, central and local government over a wide range of topics in noise and vibration; community reaction to noise; the detailed study of sources and reduction procedures; electroacoustics and communications technology; hearing conservation and medico-legal services, and hearing protector development and testing to BS5108.

Automotive Design Consultancy Unit
This Unit provides a service to industry and government departments in environmental aspects of vehicle design and operation. Special attention is given to noise, vibration, exhaust emission, lubrication, wear and heat transfer.

Wolfson Marine Technology and Industrial Aerodynamics Unit
The Wolfson Unit MTIA is a commercial consultancy, and is part of the Research Institute for Industry in the School of Engineering Sciences. The Unit was established in 1967 to provide a comprehensive advisory service in marine technology and industrial aerodynamics, and is staffed by full-time qualified consulting engineers, with a wide range of academic and industrial experience. The Unit is also able to draw on the experience of academic staff and other consulting engineers throughout the University to expand the scope of the services offered.

The Unit provides a consultancy service in, ship design, yacht design, small craft design, naval architecture, marine technology and industrial aerodynamics, providing tank testing, wind tunnel testing, consultancy, shorebased and onboard software and systems and innovative research to a world wide customer base. All Wolfson Unit software programs are offered for sale and by bureau service. For trial measurements the Unit has a range of portable PC-based trials data acquisition systems tailored for routine acceptance trials, and instrumentation packages to cater for specialised requirements.

Department of Electronics and Computer Science: Wolfson Electrostatics Unit
This consultancy Service was originally set up with support from the Wolfson Foundation. It provides a service to industry on problems in control, electrical drives, electrostatics, power systems and high voltage, robotics and CAD. It is closely connected with the research activities of the department.

Department of Electronics and Computer Science: Wolfson Electronic Business Centre (WEBC)
The Centre provides facilities for local businesses to exploit e-commerce potential, utilising expertise within the Department. The Centre has dedicated, secure servers and networking facilities.

Microelectronics Industrial Unit
Short term research, development and design contracts in the field of Microelectronics are undertaken by this Unit which is based within the Southampton University Microelectronics Centre. The Centre, which has both SERC and UFC funding, provides the laboratory facilities for advanced integrated circuit, systems and materials work.

Expertise on special circuit design using either MOS or bipolar integrated circuit technologies and the application of semi-conductor materials to novel sensor applicators are particularly relevant on industrial applicator projects.

University of Southampton Institute of Transducer Technology (USITT)
The aim of the Consultancy Service within USITT is to provide a service to industry and government establishments in all areas related to the design, development and use of transducers (sensors and actuators).

Technologies employed include electronic, optical, silicon micromechanical, thick-film, ultrasonic, electromagnetic and electrostatic. Many projects involve the collaboration of academic staff across the University.

Mechanical Engineering Consultancy Service
The Unit utilises the collective expertise of academic and technical staff and facilities within the discipline to provide a service to industry and government departments in the manifold disciplines which constitute Mechanical Engineering. The Unit also incorporates the expertise of the Engineering Design and Manufacturing Centre and will undertake on a commercial basis projects which include design, research and development, and prototype manufacture.

Visiting lectures, demonstrations and short courses can be arranged on the premises of industrial organisations.

Engineering Materials Consultancy Service
The aim of this Unit is to provide a service to industry over a wide range of topics concerning the structure and properties of engineering materials.

Advance analysis and testing equipment is available, including the scanning electron microscope, fatigue and static testing machines. Specialist advice on the selection of materials and on the analysis of service failures can be provided.

IT Innovation Centre
The IT Innovation Centre provides a range of services aimed at adding value to its clients' businesses through innovative solutions and innovative IT-enabled business opportunities.