Regulations for the Schools of the Faculty:
Economics and Finance
  1. In the first year (Part I) eight subjects will be studied and examined as follows:
    Semester one:
    An approved Economics unit, an approved Quantitative Methods unit (1 or 2 un its to include EC108), plus two optional units selected from an approved Social Sciences list.
    Semester two:
    An approved Economics unit, an approved Quantitative Methods unit, AM104, and one optional unit selected from an approved Social Sciences list.

    Students wishing to follow the Econometrics pathway should take EC107, EC108, and EC110.
    As a alternative to AM104, students may take AM101 and AM102.

  2. Year 2
    EC221, EC222, AM204, AM214
    At least one of: EC223, ST226
    The remaining units to be selected from EC list or from an approved Social Sciences list. Students wishing to follow the Econometrics pathway should select EC227 and EC228 as two of these units.

  3. Year 3
    EC371, EC363, AM332
    one and only one of EC367, EC362 or EC364
    Contemporary Problems in Economics (EC390 1 unit)
    Dissertation/Project (EC398/399 2 units)
    The remaining number of units to be drawn from EC lists or from an approved Social Sciences list (subject to not more than two units from this list in Years 2 and 3 together).

    Econometrics pathway EC371, AM332, either EC362 or EC364 at least 2 of EC365, EC369, EC372, EC374, ST303 (if EC368 or EC369 is taken EC362 may not be chosen). Plus EC398/399 or EC390 plus balance of units from EC or Social Sciences list.

  4. Each unit shall normally be examined at the end of the semester in which it is taken. Second and third year units shall count towards the final examination.