Section 18: Powers of the Council

Subject to the Charter and the Statutes the Council shall in addition to all other powers vested in them have the following powers:

  1. To appoint a Chair and Vice-Chair.

  2. To nominate the Chancellor for appointment by the Court.

  3. To appoint the Pro-Chancellors and the Treasurer.

  4. To appoint members of the Council under Class 2.

  5. To appoint the Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Deans of the Faculties, Director of New College, Heads of Academic Departments and Schools, Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers, Secretary and Registrar, Director of Academic Support Services and such other Officers of the University as may be found desirable. The Council shall not however appoint any Vice-Chancellor, Director of New College, Professor, Reader, Secretary and Registrar, or Director of Academic Support Services without considering the report of a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate. The Council shall further not appoint any Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean of a Faculty, Head of an Academic Department or School, Lecturer or other Academic Officer without considering a nomination from the Senate except in those cases where the Council and the Senate decide that a Joint Committee of the Council and the Senate shall be established to consider an appointment to a particular post or office.

  6. To confer after report from the Senate the title of Emeritus Professor or Honorary Professor Reader or Lecturer.

  7. To revoke, amend or add to the Statutes and Ordinances of the University in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the Charter.

  8. Subject to the powers of the Senate, to make Regulations for any purpose for which Regulations are or may be authorised to be made.

  9. To govern manage and regulate the finances accounts investments property business and all affairs whatsoever of the University and to give directions accordingly and to appoint bankers and any other officers or agents whom it may deem expedient to appoint.

  10. To invest any moneys belonging to the University including any unapplied income in such stocks funds fully paid shares or securities as the Council shall from time to time think fit whether authorised by the general law for the investment of trust moneys or not and whether within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland or not or in the purchase of freehold or leasehold hereditaments in the United Kingdom including rents with the like power of varying such investments from time to time provided that the Council may in its discretion retain as long as it shall think fit any investment given or bequeathed to the University although not coming within the description of investments authorised as aforesaid.

  11. To determine the level of the fees and other charges due to the University.

  12. To sell buy exchange lease and accept leases of real and personal property on behalf of the University.

  13. To provide the buildings premises furniture and apparatus and other means needed for carrying on the work of the University.

  14. To borrow money on behalf of the University and for that purpose if the Council think fit to mortgage all or any part of the property of the University whether real or personal unless the conditions of any Will Deed of Gift or other similar instrument are thereby contravened or give such other security whether upon real or personal property or otherwise as the Council think fit.

  15. To enter into vary carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University.

  16. To review the instruction and teaching of the University.

  17. To promote and to make provision for research within the University and to require reports from time to time on such research.

  18. To review amend refer back control or disallow any act of the Senate required under these Statutes to be reported to the Council and to give directions thereon to the Senate.

  19. To refer to the Senate the names of persons proposed as recipients of Honorary Degrees and to approve or disapprove the names of persons proposed by Senate as recipients of such degrees provided that no person shall be admitted by the University to an Honorary Degree whose name has not been approved for that purpose both by the Council and by the Senate.

  20. Except in cases for which other provision is expressly made, to entertain, adjudicate upon and, if thought fit, redress any grievance of the Officers of the University, the staff of the University, whether academic or not, and the postgraduate, undergraduate and other students of the University who may for any reason feel aggrieved: provided always that no statement of grievance shall be considered in respect of academic gradings and assessments approved by the Senate.

  21. To entertain, adjudicate upon and if thought fit redress any grievances of any students of the University against disciplinary action taken against them by the Senate.

  22. To select a Seal Arms and a Mace for the University and have the sole custody and use of the Seal.

  23. To exercise all such powers as are or may be conferred on the Council by the Charter Statutes Ordinances and Regulations and to carry the Charter Statutes Ordinances and Regulations into effect.