Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) (October 1997 entry onwards)
  1. The pre-registration shortened course leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Midwifery (Honours) shall be of eighteen months full-time study.

  2. Candidates for admission to the course must: satisfy the Regulations for Admission to Degree Courses as specified in Section IV of the General Regulations; be Registered General Nurses on Part 1 or Part 12 of the Professional Register of the UKCC, and normally be expected to hold at least 60 credits at Level 2. Students are required to inform the Head of School of health or other problems relevant to their education and training or employment as a health professional.

  3. In order to qualify for the Degree of Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) candidates must:
    1. have satisfied the entry requirements; and
    2. have followed the curriculum and passed all the required assessments and examinations; and
    3. have completed satisfactorily all practical work, clinical work and other coursework as required;
    4. and fulfilled all English National Board requirements.

  4. Progress from one part of the course to the next will depend upon the successful completion of the appropriate examination and coursework requirements and the satisfactory completion of clinical and other practical work. Candidates are permitted two attempts at each theoretical assignment; further attempts are not normally permitted.

  5. The programme shall extend over eighteen months and comprise a total of 18 units, 50% of the total time being practice and 50% theory. 60 Credits at Level 2 will be awarded at the end of Part 1 (which is of six months duration) and a further 120 Credits at Level 3 at the end of Part 2 of the programme. Each unit will have a particular midwifery focus and will draw on the application to practice of the biomedical and social sciences, psychology, ethics, health education, interpersonal skills, health and safety, information technology, research appreciation and applied research methodology. Some shared learning will take place with other undergraduate programmes, on refining practice and on developing a critical awareness of the research process. Practice will be undertaken across hospital and community based midwifery placements.

  6. In each Part students shall be examined by means of in-course assessments, clinical assessments and formal examination. A research focused project, shall contribute to the final examination result.

  7. A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners will normally be re-examined within the following three months. Failure at re-examination will normally result in a recommendation for termination of course.

  8. The degree of Bachelor of Midwifery (Hons) will be awarded to successful candidates as follows: First Class, Second Class (upper division), Second Class (lower division) and Third Class.