BSc Applied Social Sciences (Psychological Studies)

Level 1

Students are required to study 8 units as follows:

  1. Students must choose 2 Core Units which are compulsory
    1Q104 Social Science Perspectives
    IQ105 Social Statistics.

  2. Students must choose 2 or 3 units from the following
    IP103 The Making of Psychology
    IQ107 Introduction to Social Policy
    IQ110 Social Thought in Context

  3. Students must choose 3 or 4 units from the following
    IA100 Exploring Other Cultures
    IA101 An Anthropological view of Europe: Diversification or Unification?
    IP104 Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Issues
    IQ106 Society, Crime & Social Control
    IC101 Social Divisions in Modern Society
    IC161 Introduction to Psychological perspectives in Criminology

Level 2

Students are required to study 8 units as follows:

  1. Students must choose 4 core units which are compulsory
    IP204 Model of the Person in Psychological Studies
    IQ210 Key Concepts in Social Theory & Practice
    IQ211 Methods of Social Analysis
    IQ212 Research Skills

  2. Students must choose the following 2 units
    IP203 Psychosocial development in childhood and adolescence
    IP206 Personality & Individuality

  3. Students must choose 2 further units from the Applied Social Sciences Programme
    IA200 Cosmology, Ritual and Belief
    IA201 Culture, Communication & Cognition
    IA203 Social Anthropology
    IC200 Perspectives in Criminology
    IC201 Crime, Social Change & Society (Co-requisite IC200)
    IC202 Youth, Crime & Society

Level 3

Students must choose 8 units as follows:

  1. Students must choose 4 core units which are compulsory:
    IP304 Permanence & Change in Adulthood
    IP398 Dissertation (Double Unit)
    IQ308 Applied Social Sciences: Policy & Practice

  2. Students must choose 2 units from the following, subject to availability:
    IP306 Psychology in Education
    IP307 Disorded Psychological Processes
    IP305 Psychological Approaches to Health, Behaviour & Society

  3. Students must choose 2 further units from the Applied Social Sciences Programme:
    IA300 Issues in the Transmission of Culture
    IA301 Sexuality & Intimacy
    IA303 Anthropology, Film & Representations of The Other
    IC300 Penology
    IC301 Issues in Law Enforcement & Social Control
    IC302 Crime Prevention: Theories, Policies & Practices*
    IQ309 Lifelong Learning and Active Citizenship
    IQ310 Social Movements and Social Change
    IQ302 Management and Leadership in Voluntary Organisations & Community Groups

*We recommend that you only select this unit if you have taken IC200 at Level II