Regulations for the Diploma in Advanced Studies:
Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling

  1. The Diploma in Advanced Studies is awarded by Senate on the recommendation of the School of Psychology Board to candidates who have completed satisfactorily approved units totalling 140 credit points at level M.

  2. Applicants for admission must hold a degree awarded by an approved university or by the CNAA, or have other professional qualifications approved by the Board of the College. They must normally have at least two years' relevant practical or professional experience. Applications may also be considered from applicants who have successfully completed the Certificate in Applied Animal Behaviour, achieving an average of 60% across all units and normally at least two years appropriate practical or professional experience.

  3. Students will have a minimum of two years and a maximum of five years to complete the course.

  4. The Diploma course is based on a unit structure. Each unit of learning has a specified CATS rating in accordance with the CATS Guide and Regulations. Students will undertake 12 x 10 credit units and 1 x 20 credit unit at Level M.

  5. In order to obtain the qualification of PG Diploma in Companion Animal Behaviour Counselling the following units must be taken in the following order:

    Ethology and Anthrozoology; Learning Theory; Human Psychology; Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology can be taken in any order. The must ALL be taken before Research Methods.

    Ethology and Anthrozoology and Learning Theory must be taken before Companion Animals and the Law.

    Learning Theory must be taken before Applied Learning Theory.

    Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology must be taken before Applied Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology.

    ALL of the above must be taken before Issues in Animal Welfare or Case Studies 1. These two units can be taken in any order.

    ALL of the above must be taken before Case Studies 2.

    ALL of the above must be taken before Case Studies 3.

    ALL of the above must be taken before Project.

  6. Candidates will be assessed through course work and by other methods of examination approved by the Board of the School of Pyschology.

  7. Students who fail an assignment at the first attempt (grade of less than 40%) have the opportunity to resubmit their work. Resubmitted work can only be given a maximum grade of 40%.

  8. The Diploma will be awarded annually, normally at the end of an academic year. The Diploma may be awarded with Distinction.

  9. Candidates may be required to present themselves for an oral examination.