University Calendar 2010/11
Section IV : General Regulations
Health and Safety Policy

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Health and Safety Policy Statement

The University of Southampton is committed to conducting its undertakings in a manner that protects the health and safety of its employees, students and others affected by its undertaking. In addition to complying strictly with the health and safety measures required by legislation and other related standards to which it subscribes, it is the University of Southampton's policy to promote and take all reasonably practicable steps for the prevention of injury and ill health of its employees and others who may be affected by its actions.

To meet the requirements of this policy the University of Southampton will work with all employees and students to promote a positive health and safety culture and strive for continuous improvement in health and safety performance with the policy that it will at least achieve compliance with its statutory duties. In addition, the University of Southampton will operate an integrated, structured and documented system of management control over all its undertakings. This system of control commits the University of Southampton to:

  • Systematically identifying and controlling hazards affecting or resulting from its undertakings so far as is reasonably pratical.

  • Taking reasonable steps to secure the competence of its employees, students and others to perform the tasks allocated to them by the University.

  • Maintaining the health and safety awareness of all employees, students and others.

  • Taking reasonable steps to ensure that the contractors it engages are competent to perform the work contracted and appropriately supervised.

  • Designing and maintaining its structures, premises and facilities so as to minimise the risks associated with their construction, maintenance and use.

  • Responding effectively to, and investigating, accidents, incidents and near misses to establish root causes and take reasonable actions to prevent their re-occurence.

  • Conducting appropriate performance monitoring, audits and reviews of its undertakings to measure progress, manage risk and ensure compliance with this policy.

  • Reviewing and revising as required this policy and the management system on a regular basis.
The University of Southampton will provide information to, and ensure appropriate consultation with, its employees and students both directly and through their health and safety representatives, as appropriate, on matters relevant to this policy. We will discuss and exchange ideas relating to health and safety with our employees on a local basis and will, in addition, operate an organisation which will maintain adequate communications and action in these matters.

Council has the responsibility to ensure that health and safety matters are being appropriately addressed. However, prime responsibility for these matters lies with the Vice-Chancellor. Members of the University Executive Group, Heads of Schools and Professional Services, and all other managerial and supervisory staff equally have responsibility for matters within their control. All managers have a duty to ensure that health and safety issues are given the fullest consideration at all times, and for providing a safe and healthy working environment for their employees and students.

In addition, all University of Southampton employees and students have a responsibility to themselves and others for safety and the prevention of work related ill health. These include the duty to follow all instructions, procedures and training given them, and bring to the attention of their managers anything they consider unsafe. Everyone needs to work together in the spirit of participation and co-operation to ensure the success of this Policy and hence the maintenance of health and well being within the University.

signed by: The Vice-Chancellor, February 2010

signed by: Chair of Council, February 2010

Submitted by Corporate Services
Last reviewed: 13-Aug-2010
© University of Southampton