University Calendar 2012/13
Section V : Higher Degree Regulations
Regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy awarded jointly with another Institution

ARCHIVE 2006/7
ARCHIVE 2007/8
ARCHIVE 2008/9
ARCHIVE 2009/10
The Higher Degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy
The PhD
1. For the award of PhD, candidates must have demonstrated:
  a) the creation and interpretation of new knowledge through original research or other advanced scholarship, or of a quality to satisfy a peer review, extend the forefront of the discipline and merit publication;
  b) a systematic acquisition and understanding of a substantial body of knowledge which is at the forefront of an academic discipline or an area of professional practice;
  c) the general ability to conceptualize, design and implement a project for the generation of new knowledge, applications or understanding at the forefront of the discipline, and to adjust the project design in the light of unforeseen problems; and
  d) a detailed understanding of applicable techniques for research and advanced academic enquiry.
Award of the Degree
2. The University of Southampton may approve arrangements for a candidate to enrol on a programme leading to a joint award of the degree of Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy with a specific named institution, in accordance with the University's procedures for approving collaborative partnerships and the procedures established for such degrees.
3. A jointly awarded research degree programme with another named institution shall be governed by a Memorandum of Agreement approved and signed by the authorised signatories of the University of Southampton and the other named Institution participating in the award.
4. In addition to the Memorandum of Agreement every candidate for the award of the degree of PhD under these regulations shall enter into an agreement signed by authorised signatories of the University of Southampton and the other named Institution and the candidate's supervisors which sets out the terms and conditions governing the joint award.
5. The degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) may be awarded by the Senate to postgraduate students who have successfully pursued a course of study jointly with another approved institution, as prescribed below and have satisfied any other requirements to the satisfaction of the relevant academic authorities of both the institutions concerned.
6. For candidates applying for admission to a higher degree by research programme offered jointly with another institution, the application must be approved by the appropriate academic authorities in both institutions and must satisfy the formal entry requirements for both institutions.
7. The procedures for admission will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
8. The programme to be followed shall be one of full-time supervised study, including research training which will be generic and subject specific, together with generic skills training.
9. Candidates will normally be formally enrolled at both institutions throughout the period of candidature unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. If a candidate is not enrolled at both institutions throughout the period of candidature, periods of separate enrolment at either institution in the partnership shall be counted as equivalent for the purposes of determining the overall period of candidature for the degree of PhD.
10. Candidates will be subject to the regulations, rules, policies and practices of the institutions with which they are enrolled. Procedures for dealing with breaches of the aforesaid will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
11. The minimum period of candidature to be spent at each institution and the expected division of the period of candidature between institutions will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
12. A candidate is normally required to register initially for the degree of MPhil at the University of Southampton. A candidate wishing to transfer from such registration to the degree of PhD must successfully complete an upgrade process as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. In cases where a candidate is registered for a joint degree with an institution which does not offer the MPhil degree (or equivalent), a candidate may be permitted to register directly for the degree of PhD at the partner institution but will be required to undertake a formal review equivalent to the upgrade at the appropriate time in order to continue in candidature at the University of Southampton. The arrangements for such formal review will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
13. A candidate for the degree of PhD may be permitted at any time prior to submission of the thesis to transfer to a programme leading to the degree of MPhil, except in cases where a candidate is registered for a joint award with an institution which does not offer an MPhil degree. In such cases the candidate may be given the option to transfer to a programme leading to the degree of MPhil from the University of Southampton only.
Supervision and Progress
14. Candidates registered on a programme leading to a joint award shall have a supervisory team which includes at least one supervisor from each institution. One supervisor in the team shall be designated as the main supervisor. If appropriate, the main supervisor may change depending upon the institution in which the candidate is physically located . The supervisory team may include other supervisors and/or advisers and should normally include at least one additional member from the institution at which a candidate is physically located, to provide additional support. The supervisors appointed shall satisfy the academic criteria for the appointment of supervisors at both institutions, and shall be approved by the normal academic route in both institutions.
15. The responsibilities of the supervisory team and of the candidate shall be set out in writing, either in the Memorandum of Agreement or in a separate document provided to and signed by the supervisors and the candidate and approved by the relevant Faculty of the University of Southampton.
16. Every candidate will take part in an individualised assessment of their research training needs or equivalent with their supervisor(s) at the commencement of their studies. Candidates will also be required to take part in a postgraduate student research training programme which will include generic and subject specific research training, together with generic skills training and may include a range of elements which are compulsory, optional or conditions of funding. Research training may take place at any or all of the institutions party to the joint degree, as agreed by the supervisory team and the student in a written training agreement. It is the responsibility of the supervisor from the University of Southampton to ensure that the candidate undertakes a programme which meets all the training requirements for the relevant Faculty of the University of Southampton and any funding body where that funding has been arranged through the University.
17. The progress of an individual candidate may be reviewed at any time. If progress is unsatisfactory and if, after due warning, there is insufficient improvement, a recommendation may be put forward for termination of candidature. Such recommendations must be approved by both institutions, following their normal procedures for termination of candidature. In exceptional circumstances provision may be made for a student to transfer to candidature for a higher degree by research of either the University of Southampton or the other Institution in the partnership.
Duration of Research Courses
18. The duration of the programme shall be specified in the relevant Memorandum of Agreement. The minimum period of candidature shall normally be not less than 24 months and shall be spent in supervised study. The maximum period of candidature shall normally be four years (48 months), including nominal registration where applicable but excluding periods of suspension (see paragraphs 19 and 20 below).Where applicable the period spent in candidature for the degree of MPhil to the point of transfer will be counted towards the period of candidature required for the degree of PhD.
19. The period of candidature ends when the thesis is submitted. A candidate who fails to submit a thesis by the end of the agreed maximum period of candidature shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the programme.
Nominal Registration
20. The Memorandum of Agreement will specify whether the University of Southampton's regulations relating to Nominal Registration (paragraphs 19 to 22 of the Regulations) apply. If there is no provision for transfer to Nominal Registration a candidate must remain in supervised full-time candidature until the thesis is submitted.
Temporary Suspension
21. Candidates must continue in registration for the degree until such time as they submit their thesis or withdraw, except that temporary suspension of candidature may be permitted in extenuating circumstances (eg: illness, family crisis or unforeseeable problems beyond the candidate's control), with the agreement of the supervisory team and approval through the relevant academic authorities at both as specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. The maximum period of suspension should be stipulated and will normally be in accordance with University of Southampton regulations (Section IV of the University Calendar). In the case of Research Council or sponsor-funded candidates, due regard should be given to Research Council or sponsor rules governing suspension. Periods of temporary suspension shall not count towards the maximum period of study.
22. While based at the University of Southampton suspended students should not receive supervision and normally should not have access to services. However, where a Faculty judges that there is a need: access to services can be granted on an individual student basis through the student administration system.
Extension of Candidature
23. The minimum and maximum periods of candidature specified in the Memorandum of Agreement should be strictly adhered to. The University's regulations on extension of candidature (paragraphs 25 and 26 of the Regulations) will apply unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement. Any requests for an extension must be approved through the relevant academic procedures in both institutions.
Submission of Thesis
24. After completion of the necessary period of study, a thesis shall be submitted for examination. Procedures for giving notice of intention to submit a thesis will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
25. The length of the thesis and the format to be used for the thesis will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
26. A candidate who, if the examination is successful, wishes to attend a graduation ceremony at the University of Southampton must give notice of intention to submit a thesis not later than 31 January if the candidate seeks award of the degree by the following July. A longer of period of notice may be required depending upon the detailed examination requirements set out in the Memorandum of Agreement.
27. Candidates must comply with the provisions of paragraphs 31-33 of the Regulations.
28. The examination will be conducted jointly by both institutions.
29. The examination process for candidates registered for a degree jointly awarded with another University will be based on the principles described in paragraphs 35 and 36 of the Regulations. These principles are that:
  a) Members of the supervisory team or others who have had a substantial involvement in the student's work, or have another conflict of interest or potential lack of objectivity may not be appointed as a member of the panel or examining team which assesses the thesis.
  b) The candidate will be expected to submit a written thesis (or equivalent submission for Music, or for Drama, dance and the Performing Arts, or for Art and Design) in English and to defend this in some form of oral examination. The oral examination may take the form of a public defence of the thesis, but must be part of the examination process.
  c) The panel of examiners will consist of at least two examiners, one of whom will be an examiner external to the Universities awarding the degree.
  d) For degrees examined jointly with an international partner, the examining panel may include additional members.
30. The arrangements for examination will be specified in the Memorandum of Agreement.
Outcomes of the Examination
31. The outcomes of the examination will be as set out in paragraph 38 of the Regulations, unless otherwise specified in the Memorandum of Agreement, except that the provision for a candidate who has failed to satisfy the examiners to apply within a specified time for the award of the degree of MPhil will not be available to a candidate who is registered for a joint award with an institution which does not offer an MPhil degree (or a degree with equivalent criteria for award). In such cases the student may be given the option to submit a thesis for the award of an MPhil degree from the University of Southampton only.
32. The award must be approved by the relevant academic authorities at both institutions. For the University of Southampton the award will be made by the Senate on the recommendation of the Faculty concerned.
33. A candidate who fails to submit a corrected or revised thesis by the date set by the examiners shall normally be regarded as having failed the examination and the recommendations of the examiners shall lapse.
34. Where the examiners recommend that the degree be not awarded and that submission of a revised thesis be not permitted, the candidate may ask for the case to be reviewed in accordance with procedures set out in the Memorandum of Agreement.

Submitted by Corporate Services
Last reviewed: 24-Aug-2012
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