University Calendar 2015/16
Section XI : Academic Regulations - Faculty of Medicine

ARCHIVE 2009/10
Academic Unit Medicine
Final Award Doctor of Philosophy in Biomedical Science (PhD)
(with intermediate award of MRes)
Programme(s) Integrated PhD in Biomedical Science
Last modified July 2015

Reference should be made to the University's General Regulations found in Section IV and Section V (Higher Degree Regulations) of the University Calendar.

Except where an opt-out has been granted by the University (see below) the following academic regulations apply in addition to the General Regulations.

1. Admissions
Admissions requirements will be as stated in the University's General Regulations, the Programme Specification, the Admissions Policy and the University Prospectus.

2. Structure of Programme(s)
The Faculty follows the University General Regulations for Integrated PhD in Named Subjects as laid down in the University Calendar except where variations have been permitted.

University regulation Section V Integrated PhD in Named Subjects Scheme of Study regulation 4 with the following addition:
In the first year candidates will be required to follow a prescribed programme of modules which will be taught in the University. Candidates who complete these modules and pass the required examinations at an appropriate standard at the end of the first year will be permitted to proceed to the second year of the programme. This will lead to the award of Master of Research (MRes) as defined in the relevant programme specification.

University regulation Section V Integrated PhD in Named Subjects Scheme of Study regulation 5 with the following addition:
In the second, third and fourth years candidates complete a programme of supervised research and skills training sessions leading to the preparation of a thesis.
3. Progression
Year 1
3.1 Candidates who complete the required modules and pass the required assessments at an appropriate standard will normally be recommended for the award of Master of Research at the end of the first year .
3.2 Candidates who fail in any component at the first attempt shall normally have the right to be reassessed on one further occasion.
3.3 Candidates must normally attend at least 80% of all taught components and all laboratory rotations in the first year to be eligible for consideration for progression to year 2.
3.4 Progression to MPhil year 2 will be dependent on successful completion of the MRes programme and satisfactory completion of progress reviews which will be held at three time points during the year. The candidates have to pass one of the reviews held after rotations A and B, along with a pass at rotation C. If performance in the progress reviews is unsatisfactory and if, after due warning, there is insufficient improvement, the Faculty may recommend termination of candidature to Senate at the end of year 1 independently of whether or not they are awarded an MRes.
3.5 On successful completion of the MRes and progress reviews, approval to continue with the subsequent years of the programme will be given and a candidate will progress onto year 2 MPhil/PhD.
See University Regulations for the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy for further information regarding candidature in years 2-4.

4. Assessment
Year 1
4.1 Module pass marks and the overall pass mark for the MRes in the first year are 50%. Candidates who fail in any first year module at the first attempt will be allowed one attempt to refer each failed module. Candidates will not be permitted to repeat the year.

5. Award of Qualification(s)
5.1 Candidates who achieve at least 50% in every taught component and research rotation will be awarded the degree of Master of Research.
5.2 Candidates for the degree of MRes will be awarded the qualification with Distinction if they have passed each module at the first attempt and have achieved the following:
  1. Pass Research Projects A, B & C with a minimum mark of 60% and an average mark of 70% or greater;

  2. Pass Cell Biology, Research Skills for Biomedical Sciences and the pathway specific module (Advanced Immunology, Immunity & Infection or Stem Cell Biology) with a minimum mark of 60% and an average mark of 70% or greater..

6. Placements/Study Abroad/Exchange/Fieldwork
Not applicable.

7. Other
7.1 As a research-led University, we undertake a continuous review of our programmes to ensure quality enhancement and to manage our resources. As a result, these regulations may be revised during a student’s period of registration, however, any revision will be balanced against the requirement that the student should receive the educational service expected. Please read our Disclaimer to see why, when and how changes may be made to a student’s programme.
7.2 Further information concerning temporary suspension of candidature, nominal registration, extension of candidature, submission of thesis can be found in the Regulations for the degrees of Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy (University Calendar Section V).

Submitted by Corporate Services
Last reviewed: 16-Jul-2015
© University of Southampton